
This is the Young Adult Accel­erator! ?

Are you ready to take YOUR life to the next level?

Hello friend, my name is Christian.

People will hate me for saying this…

I actually believe that hitting rock bottom in your life is a good thing!

This is your chance to FINALLY make a change in your life for the BETTER and you can finally stop putting up with mediocre BS!

WHY I started the Young Adult Academy

When I was in my 20s, I was SUPER excited to explore the world and do great things! At the same time, I had a lot of questions, and wanted answers that were right for ME.

It was challenging to find good guidance, and while people meant well for me, a lot of the advice I got wasn’t right for my life, and this wasted years of time and effort.

It took until my 30s till I FINALLY had the chance to work with some great coaches, and this really accelerated my growth and supported me to stay on-track. It was like, AHA, now I finally get it!

I want people to experience this feeling of JOY and self-confidence, balance and fulfillment, which I found for myself, and enable for other people.

HOW I got to the next level in my life

I’ve learned that we are a SUPER social species, and that our growth and development REQUIRES a strong network of friends and mentors.

I have seen and experienced how having a great group of friends and coaches in my life supports me to express more of my true self, and enables me to do the best in everything I do.

With great people around me, I was finally successful with business, my personal life, and relationships, because I was able to build the needed skills and tools, and in any challenges I faced, I was fully capable and confident in my abilities.

Supporting you solving your CHALLENGES

I’ve had my fair share of challenges and crazy periods in my life, leaving university, dealing with job loss, and tough breakups.

What I’ve learned are the powerful TOOLS and methods to grow through these tests of life with a sense of purpose, acceleration, and growth. This way you KNOW and FEEL that when you get through this test, you know more about:

➤ Who you ARE
➤ What is your BEING
➤ Where you want to GO
➤ What you want to DO in your life
➤ HOW to do it with fulfillment, joy and success

WHAT is the Young Adult ACADEMY?

The Young Adult Academy is both community and CUSTOM coaching programme, to be YOUR CHAMPION in your journey, building and maintaining a strong, happy, and healthy life.

With the support of this community and your own personal coach, who guides you in a PERSONAL and CUSTOM process which is right for you, we are behind you 100%, so you can develop YOUR unique talents and live the awesome life you want, right now, while supporting YOUR great future as well.

Do you want a fantastic today and a fantastic future? Take a chance on YOURSELF right now!

Right now our program just a few open spots.

If you can show that you have the ENERGY and COMMITMENT for change, I invite you to apply for our custom coaching program.

If you qualify, we will setup a free Skype call when I can share all the program details with you.

The application is free. Are you READY?!

YES I’m ready!

Apply now for free!

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